Brainstorm Engine


The Brainstorm Engine is a collaborative creativity system that synthesizes user ideas into prompts and suggestions.

The Current project is:

Popular Names:
guitar juhen life time battle penguin wolf howl gun gun fuck festival engine blood penguin bread hobo forgive example is razor dinosaur blood fuck this battle gun razor topher test fight rocket magic hobo

what is this example test raptor baby laser mother wolf rocket guitar hobo fight life pilot air raid mongol explosion sword razor magic breaker blood festival engine killer night howl gun monk dinosaur penguin piano melody house gentle cuddle hug shout feral cut fuck bread time pirate ninja viking battle colon spider vampire pancake violence mustache topher juhen forgive under in punt slarty bart fart forknife kitten fucking fucker slayer demon lion and son or collective gentleman pipe of the tricycle drums saxophone merchant capitalist communist fascist buddhist

If you have any technical issues please email Ashton at